Welcome to my ITEC 2130 Website!

ITEC Courses Taken

  1. ITEC 1001: Introduction to Computing
  2. ITEC 2110: Digital Media
  3. ITEC 2130: Web Technologies
  4. ITEC 2140: Programming Fundamentals
  5. ITEC 2150: Intermediate Programming
  6. ITEC 2201: Introduction to Info Systems
  7. ITEC 3150: Advanced Programming



Vet Clinic Client List
Decrypting a binary file with a list of vet clients with their pet information and coded a user-friendly interface to input more pets or remove upon the clients request.
Movie Ratings and Categories
Taking a text file of movies with their categories and turning that into a binary file. Then creating a user-friendly interface that ask the user for movie rating, categories, and gives the option to add movies. Any duplicates are removed and the ratings are averaged and returned.
Instagram API
Using the instagram Api it prompts users to login to their accounts and returns a list of users who the user follows but that do not follow them back.